Thursday, December 8, 2011

Город, Которого Нет (Игорь Корнелюк) / The City, That Doesn't Exist (Igor Kornelyuk) - My first recording

Just cleaning up the song a bit...

Silence and night are with me again,
Snow keeps falling down or a freezing rain,
But my hope, like my star, still persists -
Far away I see city that doesn't exist.

City where a wayfarer can find a place:
Someone waits for him, someone knows his face...
This is why through the sharp and freezing mist
I keep walking to the city that doesn't exist.

There my hearth fire is kept alive,
A timeless symbol lost today.
This city is a step away -
A step that is longer than my life.

Maybe I will lose my path again,
My wasted years are like drops of rain.
But my hope, like my star, still persists -
I will find this city that doesn't exist.

There my hearth fire is kept alive,
A timeless symbol lost today.
This city is a step away -
A step that is longer than my life.

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