Saturday, September 17, 2011

The un-air raid alarms / Безвоздушная тревога - My version #1

1. The Fates once again are changing the scripts -
2. What have been sown shall now be reaped.
3. Casting the dice are a dog and a lion.
4. The rings of old chains are starting to fasten
5. Hiding the curse under the luster.
6. I have been seized by Juerushaliam....

C1. Stay in the row,
C2. Messier Captain of my prodigal soul,
C3. While the city sings the strange lullaby
C4. Of un-air raid alerts.
C5. Go with the flow,
C6. Don't surrender, do not sell yourself low.
C7. Flaring up, raining down from the sky
C8. The un-air raid alerts.

7. The sand in the glass runs faster and faster.
8. Best of intentions have been a disaster.
9. Trouble again in the heavenly shore.
10. Steady Tin Soldier is slumped in the chair.
11. He is surrounded; he is sur-squared.
12. Time to get up and finish this war.

C1. Stay in the row,
C2. Messier Captain of my prodigal soul,
C3. While the city sings the strange lullaby
C4. Of un-air raid alerts.
C5. Go with the flow,
C6. Don't surrender, do not sell yourself low.
C7. Flaring up, raining down from the sky
C8. The un-air raid alerts.

I have to consult with my husband about lines #4, 9, C1, C4, and C6.

The chorus gave me the most trouble, obviously, because of the major points that I wanted to keep about The Steady Tin Soldier being "sur-squared"  and the "un-air raid" sirens don't really land themselves to easy manipulations.

So, i will be tinker some more later.

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